The key:amenity=waste_disposal has a sub key where some of the things you mention as stated. These presently are;

 * *waste*=trash
   - (for trash/rubbish)
 * *waste*=excrement
   - (for /excrement evacuation systems/ for boats)
 * *waste*=oil
   - (for motoroil, diesel and emulsions)
 * *waste*=chemical_toilet
   - (for chemical toilets)
 * *waste*=grey_water
   - (for soapy water, like from showers and dish washing)
 * *waste*=drugs
   - to subtag a special container for the collection of
   pharmaceuticals / medicine / drugs
 * *waste*=organic

 * *waste*=plastic

 * *waste*=rubble

 * *waste*=scrap_metal

The key:waste=excrement already exists as a sub tag under amenity=waste_disposal but the main page is not consistent with that ..

Either the main page is wrong to exclude excrement OR the waste page is wrong to include it. Take your pick.I vote for excrement on the main wiki page, not for its exclusion.

The main page also mentions "A place where canal boaters, caravaners etc. can dispose of rubbish (trash/waste)." better expressed as "A place where people can dispose of waste."?There are a few of these kind of statements that are tending to exclude things .. when there is no alternative and where the key:waste= includes them.

I'd think bins dedicated to recycling would be better tagged using the existing amenity=recycling .

On 3/02/2015 11:36 AM, Dave Swarthout wrote:
The problem is that "waste" as currently defined in the wiki refers to things you want to dispose of that would come out of a home or office, things like table scraps, cans and bottles, paper, discarded packaging materials. My term for this is trash or garbage. These days much of that is recycled, especially in certain environmentally aware communities, but that's far from being the general case. As usual, there are differing definitions for these terms depending on where you live and what you are accustomed to.

If you rewrite the wiki definition of amenity=waste_disposal to include sewage I think you'll invite a lot of extra discussion and run into a dead end with your proposal. Using it with a subkey like waste=sewage might be a better approach but then there needs to be a bunch of other waste=* subkeys for recyclable items, paper items, etc.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 6:21 AM, Warin < <>> wrote:


    Reading the wiki on key:amenity=waste_disposal

    says .. it is not for 'watery waste disposal' .. yet the key:waste
    says it is for 'watery waste disposal'!!!!

It needs a rewrite into a sensible thing! That is consistent! And does not reference old history but simply states what it it
    for and how to use it...

    Any objections to a rewrite .. you can if you wish leave it to me
    .. (with possible speeelin errors and auto corrections) ?

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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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