On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Jan van Bekkum <jan.vanbek...@gmail.com>

> Thanks for all comments.
> I would like to throw another issue in before I update the proposal with
> the recommendations all of you made.
> What to do with places where one *cannot* camp? I have run in many
> situations where it would be really useful to have those on the map. I am
> thinking of the following situations:
>    - A camping used to exist at the place but stopped business;
> No longer a camp site, find some other tag.

>    - A hotel owner offered camping on his premises, but stopped doing so;
> Not a camp site.

>    - Police has chased away people who tried to wild camp at the location;
> Obviously not a campsite.

>    - Campers have been robbed at the location;
> May actually be a campsite, though if you want to call it not a campsite,
this really eliminates damn near all camping within 100 miles of Eugene,
Salem and Portland, plus Crater Lake National Park.

>    - Camping is not allowed, because it is in a protected area.
> Also not a campsite.
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