On 4/03/2015 8:52 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2015-03-04 10:46 GMT+01:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>>:

    There also seems to be a contradiction in that the "standard"
    steps ways extend beyond the area and up to the center of the
    road. I'd suggest to split them and have them end at the first
    riser (= the way with the role lower) and tag the remaining
    connection as highway=footway and likely with a different surface

    Those were there before I started .. They are just simplified for
easy of the mapper I'd say..

Yes, I know that steps are often done like this, but I'd encourage everyone to be more precise about this, and to have the highway=steps tag only applied to ways which in projection are actually steps, and to use highway=footway for connections, stair landings and footpaces.

Fixed. Used highway=pedestrian as that is consistent with the lower way.

The landings on large areas may be better tagged as a pedestrian area.


For an example of steps with an inconsistency between upper and lower ways ...



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