I don't agree that we don't make progress, but we have different agendas. I
put a proposal how to solve this in the original mailing list.

If I am in a country with abundant campsite (France) I start looking for a
campsite one hour before I want to stop and I base my choice on location
and facilities. I'have a hardcopy book with all 10,000 campsites in France
to choose from. If it is in OSM OsmAnd helps me to navigate to it easily.

If I am in a country with few campsites  (Oman, Tanzania) I plan in the
morning where I want to be in the evening with fallback options if
something goes wrong on the way. Questions I'll ask: (1) any "normal"
campsites available, (2) if no, any "opportunistic campsites" (hotels
offering camping) available, (3) if no, any non-designates sites (police
station, public park) available. Depending on the location I may skip all
of this and go for wild camping at a quiet, beautiful place instead.

I have no internet, so my information sources are: (1) previously
downloaded OSM data (OsmAnd, Overpass), (2) extracts of blogs and camping
listings from other overlanders (partly in text summarized per country,
partly lists converted to gpx that I can show on the map), (3) travel
guides (Lonely Planet etc.)

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 5:59 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28/03/2015 2:54 PM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> > I might use OSM to identify camping sites nearby, but would never stop
> > there.
> > The next step is a web search.  Thus the website= link is the most
> > important
> > tag, after camp_site.
> >
> Assumes web access.. as most of Australia has no cell phone access?
> Satellite phone!
> Sorry my budget does not stretch to running a web search through a
> satellite phone for info on a camp site..
> Think you'll find a website search is ok for highly populated countries
> that have lots of high capacity cell phone coverage. Might cover most of
> the users most of the time?
> --------------
> Me? I look for a camp site somewhere ahead after lunch time. Usually
> basic will do me for an overnight. For more than one night .. cloths
> washing would be good.
> If there is nothing on the map .. I'll look for a wild camp - small back
> road away from houses (note to self - mark out houses on OSM along the
> ways I travel so I can see them on the map!). I'll usually start looking
> for wild sites after say 15:30.
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