The level key is intended for OSM internal use, to tell routing and rendering software what connects to what. For indoor mapping, it would make sense to also have a way to name floors, which needs to allow for both numeric and non-numeric floor names. I have been in buildings that have more than one named floor. For example, one parking garage that I sometimes use has levels named Basement, Ground (ground level on one side of the building), 1 (ground level on the opposite side of the building), 2, 3, 4, and 5.

On May 24, 2015 10:18:56 PM Andrew Errington <> wrote:

> It's highly likely that the street level floor would be named 'Ground' - so
> if software needs to know this, that would be a good starting point. It
> could also be worked out by which highway meets the street.

That's funny.  In your previous example no floor is named 'Ground'.

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