On 28 May 2015 at 07:28, johnw <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> On May 16, 2015, at 10:29 PM, pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> Thanks for the post, John.
> Thanks for reading ^^
> How about:
> Forest=natural ?
> isn’t that natural=wood?

I don't know the difference between a wood and a forest!

> or forest=man_made ? [=plantation or somesuch term for a human-planted
> forest].
> A forest is a man-altered area, so i believe “forest” already implies
> man-used. But it is not man_made (as a building is), as the forest is not a
> non-building structure.

Is Amazon rain forest man-affected?

> landuse=school is, to the map, the same as
> area=school which is the same as
> Area is the name for a type of unit in the database (node, way, area) so
> that sounds confusing. so how about using land=school for your example.

I think your 'confusion' is my 'simplification'. We're talking about an
area - because that's what we're talking about and to mark that area, we
use the 'area' function - no matter the eventual purpose of that area.

> "school" or perhaps
> school=primary
> school=secondary
> school=music
> When I have a facility  which encompasses multiple buildings with
> different purposes (a music school , a computer school, a sports facility,
> etc) and that entire facility is considered a “school” with a singular name
> (FooBar university), there has to be some kind of *generic purpose-based
> tag* for the area.

Area=school or

> that is how I see landuse=* . You can reimagine it to have other names, or
> other tagging styles, but eventually you will lead yourself to
> purpose=education because if you go much narrower, the world is so varied
> that the 6 categories you need don’t quite line up with the 6 I need, and
> the 12 someone else needs - so to have a single catch all is much more
> flexible. Maybe we can agree on some age splits (Pre K-12 , higher) but if
> you start going deeper than that - what about combined primary-secondary?
> what about combined secondary-high? What about a facility that does K-12
> all on the same campus? making 35 different tags is not helpful to get
> taggers tagging and renderers rendering.
> my fictional tag example
> landuse=school  [currently amenity=school]
> school=k-12
> k-12=secondary;high
> religion=buddhist
> denomination=honen
> Name=FooBar Buddhist Junior & Senior High School
> secondary=3
> high_school=3
> vs
> land=honen_buddhist_secondary_high_school
> This basic hierarchical approach makes it easy to support new users
> (unless everything is abstracted away, which it is totally not) and Major
> things to be supported by renderers (which are really really conservative)
> so we get the best of all worlds for a large amount of things that can fit
> easily into some big catch-all category, and still have it refined by the
> subtags for further use .

I've no issue with subtags - the main issue is the top-level tag lacking
useful information. I've suggested area= instead of amenity=  giving
area=school, area=building - but then as an area is drawn, the name 'area'
becomes unnecessary.




is perhaps better.

> The big point is what does 'landuse' (or 'natural') tell us that's new
> information
> landuse can be read as “purpose”
> Natural can be read as “existing in the world with little to no alteration
> by man."
But how valuable is that to the map-reader ?

> ? bridge=natural would be a case where natural is giving information as it
> is not expected bridges to be natural.
> a natural bridge (like a rock crossing a chasm) sounds cool.
> Can you find a sports pitch that's not landuse ? there's no need to have
> landuse=sports_pitch. And to prove my point, OSM doesn't ! we have instead
> leisure=sports_pitch - but it's still landuse but not tagged as such. So
> now, it seems OSM tags landuse on its own whims, is inconsistent; is
> confusing
> I was about to say what sports_pitch isn't 'leisure' - and then thought:

commercial=sports_pitch - e.g. professional football grounds

> A commercial sports facility would have a landuse encompassing all the
> pitches, parking lots, and other buildings (leisure=sports_center) that
> make up FooBar Sports Center.
> landuse=commercial (i think)
> name:foobar Sports Center
> sport=multi
That sounds like a hybrid - a commercial enterprise providing leisure

> I could see there being a landuse=recreation or leisure, but we have
> chosen to define a lot of land uses by economic means (commercial,
> industrial, residential, agriculture, etc).
> This lack of completeness in landuse (there is no landuse=civic yet, I’m
> pushing for it) would help solve some issues, IMO.
> Very specific landuses (landuse=poodle_training_ground) sounds really bad
> to me. there are some which should have been sub-keys (like farmland+crop)
> but no one was looking that far ahead, such as
> landuse=farmland now instead of landuse=agriculture and agriculture=*
> would be better, rather than trying to get rendering support for more
> esoteric landuse values (like greenhouse_horticulture).
> landuse=golf_course
> leisure+golf_course
> (bad syntax) [typo!]
> man_made=golf_course
> OSM tagging is not logical. Does it need to be ? no, but it would help if
> it was.
> I think we are both seeing incompleteness in the tagging schema because it
> was made organically, and we both want to complete the sections that our
> mind most easily latches onto to make OSM better - but there are good and
> bad points to each way, and because of the multitude of people, the only
> way to change OSM is one tag at a time - which is frustrating, but the
> “grand retagging” schemes are all doomed to failure, even if we are not
> opposed to them.
> Please remember syntax is important as well - and I think language
> influences this a lot - how we define the world is related to our language.
> and OSM is filed with different taggers from different languages.
> "I want to go to that restaurant."  would be “I = that restaurant to
> gowant. “  (私 は あの レストラン に 行きたい。)  in Japanese.  Note “want" is stuck on
> the verb.
> How Japanese people would make OSM syntax and tag categories would
> (probably) be very different - so we will always have this battle.
> Javbw
And that ties in nicely with my thoughts of removing the words and
generating tags and values by symbols !

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