2015-06-12 10:45 GMT+02:00 Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de>:

> So long term are we going to retag courts, townhalls, libarties, post
> offices  etc. too ?

we'll see. I did not aim at that, from a logical point of view some aspects
of townhalls might integrate well, but they are also something special
(council->legislation), not just an office/agency.
The properties for the services offered could be interesting to add to
townhalls as well.

Regarding courts I don't know much about it on a global level, from looking
at the map and list here, it seems as if the court districts in Germany fit
the existing admin entities and could get an admin_level tag on the court
object. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_deutscher_Gerichte
They are not considered "government agency" or "government office". (Those
might be inside the building as well)

post_offices are more tricky, as they might have responsibilities of public
administration or not, depending on the country and company.

I wouldn't recommend to retag libraries, museums, schools, ..., the idea
was not to retag stuff for which we have common tags, but to introduce a
more detailed semantic system for government agencies/offices. Currently
these are only classified by their name and office=government.

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