
An OSM element is normally made of one "physical" object tag and a
number of tags describing the attributes of that object or of the other
attributes (such as (fictitious example)
building:tower:antenna:gsm=yes). This applies to areas and nodes.
Some people prefer to tag the attributes to a node inside an area, like
a shop on a node.
If the node represents a particular place (part) inside the area, its
object tag is simply that of the inside object, like a room, a reception
desk, whatever.
The problem arises when they want their node to represent the whole
area.  Supposing a building, they would tag a building=yes node inside a
building=yes area and QAs would complain about finding one building
inside another.
Supposing that substituting another tag for building=yes would play
havoc, what is or would be an additional attribute tag meaning "I am the
same object as that of the area enclosing me", meaning that it's a
duplicate, an alias, you call it, such as:



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