On 11/08/2015 12:30, johnw wrote:
A few months ago, someone enabled admin level 3 on regional boundaries in Japan.

This is an error, but I don’t know how to deal with it.

The first thing that I'd do would be to find the change that introduced the problem, identify the mapper concerned (which can be tricky where there are lots of changes) and explain to them (via a changeset discussion comment is often best, because it's public) why what they did was incorrect. From there I'd link to where the Japanese community discusses boundaries (which might be the wiki, but often is somewhere else).

You can use this to look at the history of relations:


and if the changeset concerned is (as it appears to be at first glance) this one:


you can mention something about "accurate changeset comments" too :)

It's also perhaps worth mentioning this sub-forum:


where as well as international boundaries, problems caused by other boundaries are also sometimes discussed.



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