I'll give you three real life examples. Two where landuse=religious should be 
used, one where it shouldn't.


My parents church is a rather (physically) large presbyterian church. It is a 
complex with a giant chapel building on a hill. There is one sign out front: 

The church grounds have a big parking lot. A "fellowship hall" used for 
speeches, parties, receptions, and events, and occasionally religious services, 
through there is no altar.
It has a small two story building built into the hill that act as storerooms 
and meeting rooms, and the bottom floor is used as a 2 room preschool, with a 
tiny playground. One room is used as a Sunday School room (religious services 
for kids). There is a grass quad, a fountain, and a small office building. 

All of the other buildings, stacked upon each other, would be about the size of 
the chapel. All the buildings are in support of activities of the church. There 
is no fence separating anything. they all share the quad, office, kitchen, and 
parking lot. The preschool is an amenity for the worshippers. 

So it sits on a single landuse=religious, with the POW on the chapel, and 
preschool point tagged on the building where the kids are (though it is 
administrated from the common office). There is a single entrance, a single 
driveway onto the one named landuse. 


The Asakusa Temple complex at Asakusa in Tokyo. 

This singularly named complex is full of POWs with unique names and different 
religions. The complex itself has a name and a known boundary, but the actual 
buildings are named differently. They're buddhist and shinto buildings (temples 
and pagodas), "gates", as well as several shrines to different deities, 
statues, a small garden, and a huge pedestrian area surrounding all the 
buildings. Almost any temple complex will have an "official" shop to buy 
reglious trinkets and seals directly from the temple, so there is some kind of 
gift shop tag there as well. 

This is on a single landuse=religious. All the different buildings themselves 
are individual POWs with different names and religion=*, and includes the 
pathway leading up from the temple entrance (a giant "gate" on the main street, 
the official temple entrance. 


 I teach at a private buddhist school. It is administrated by a large temple in 
town. The temple grounds are adjacent to, yet completely separate from the 
school. The school grounds are not used for religious services (beyond prayers 
that all religious schools do), and the school is open to all people to attend, 
and a couple thousand kids (totally unaffiliated with the temple itself) attend 
school there. 

This is a high school with 2 main buildings and two gymnasiums, and a separate 
middle school across the street with 2 main buildings. There is no POW in the 
schools, as they are not temples. 

The schools sit on amenity=school.
The temples across the street and across the river sit on landuse=religious. 


There are going to be facilities operated on church grounds that are there to 
support the church. These may be a small nursury school or shop selling 
trinkets, or the church office *in support of the church itself* But it is all 
on a single landuse. Conversely, because of history, some separate religious 
facilities were forced to share land, leading to complexes where many POWs 
share a single named facility. 

Landuse=religious covers the simple idea of the land a church or religious 
building sits on and the grass and parking lot around it (like a churchyard), a 
larger grounds where adjacent buildings and amenities are in support of the 
main church building (a playground or outdoor event space), and a large 
multi-building complex where many functions commonly found in a single church 
building are broken up by function (office, kitchen, preschool, etc) - but 
still exist on a single named landuse and support the main religious building. 
It also works where many POWs share a common facility. It is not meant to be a 
substitute  for operator. 

Disneyland sits on a single landuse, with kitchens, machine shops, garbage 
handling facilities, day care, security offices, and even train stations - all 
on a single "amusement park" area because all of those facilities support the 
park and sit on a single named landuse. 

The disney store in a mall is merely a
operated by disney,  just like my middle school is operated by the temple. 

The same differences can be seen in religious facilities as well.


> On Aug 21, 2015, at 7:53 PM, Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de> wrote:
> In first though landuse=religious was supposed to be for all religious 
> institution and include more than a church yard.
> Now I read...
>> landuse=religious is specifically meant for the area used by a religious 
>> facility and it's supporting or directly related amenities used for 
>> practicing the religion - not merely land that happens to be owned by a 
>> religious entity. Likewise, Facilities such asamenity=school or 
>> amenity=hospital that are not part of a primarily religious complex, or are 
>> not primarily a place of worship, but merely operated by a religious entity 
>> are represented with different tagging schemes
> Does this mean a school run by a monastry even on their grounds would not be 
> included in landuse=religious?
> Is this this now really just become a replacement for churchyard to include 
> more religions? Bascially limited to the area around a place of worship?
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