On 15/09/2015 10:12 AM, Dave Swarthout wrote:
The theme=bicycle tag looks good although I prefer the idea of extending the cafe tag. There is at present a cafe:style tag with only 5 uses in Taginfo. A better choice? I don't know.

FYI: Taginfo also reports that theme is in wide use. Most of those tags, however, are found in India and look to be the result of a mass data import that was done badly. For example, amenity=fuel nodes are tagged with theme=FACILITY and various types of clinics with theme=HEALTH. People are doing their own thing again.

Of course they are. I like the New Zealand LINZ imports - they usually use a 
preface of LINZ: to the data they import that has no OSM equivalent.
If such a policy were adopted by the import people things would be easier to 

I like the theme thing precisely because it can be applied to things other than 
just cafes.


On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 15/09/2015 6:20 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

        sent from a phone

            Am 14.09.2015 um 21:41 schrieb Richard Fairhurst

            amenity=cafe, cafe=bicycle
                amenity=cafe, theme=bicycle

            Any thoughts?

        the theme=bicycle looks ok. Or style.
          cafe=bicycle makes less sense to me. Someone might come up
        with a cafe typology in the future, and bicycle will be more a
        theme than a type for me.


    Theme. Not only cafes but also restaurants, theatres ..these can
    all have themes.

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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com

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