On Wed, 2015-10-07 at 15:58 +0200, Daniel Koć wrote:
> I was trying to review the shop values we show in osm-carto (top 100 
> according to TagInfo - you can list it by running this Ruby script: 
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/scrip
> ts/shop_values.rb 
> ) and here are my quick findings:
> No wiki page or definition (some of them can be also candidates for 
> deprecating and replacing with something else):
> builder
A builder does not normally have a shop.

> building_materials

> craft
Selling craft supplies, similar to hobby.

> discount
Needs to define what is being sold at a discounting.

> energy
Not something you normally buy from a shop.

> flooring
Self explainatory, I don't see a problem. Somewhere like floors to go.

> gallery
A shop selling and displaying paintings/

> games
A variation on toy, or maybe computer games.

> health_food
Self explainatory, I don't see a problem.

> hobby
Similar to craft

> market
A market is an outdoor place where things are sold, not a shop.

> phone
> real_estate
Real Estate is American, it should be tagged as an estate agent.

> rental
Needs to define what is being rented.

> salon
The type needs to be defined, beauty? A hair salon should be

> shoe_repair
Self explainatory, most high streets have one. 

> tiles
Self explainatory
> Candidates for deprecating:
> antique - no wiki, mentioned on antiques page so maybe deprecate and 
> propose antiques?
Normally use the plural

> appliance - wiki redirects to electronics, so maybe deprecate and 
> propose electronics instead?
> car_service - maybe car_repair?
> communication - wiki redirects to mobile_phone, so maybe deprecate
> and 
> propose mobile_phone?
> general - deprecate and propose to look for other shop values (like 
> "yes")?
> health - medical_supply?
> household - houseware?
> interior_decoration - houseware?
> office_supplies - stationery?
> printing - copyshop?
> radiotechnics - electronics?
> sewing - maybe tailor?
A sewing shop will do repairs, alterations and maybe make simple
clothes, a tailor would be expected to be able to make a made to
measure suit.

> shopping_centre - mall?
Shopping Centre is British English, Mall is American. If anything mall
should be changed to shopping centre, although neither are a shop, they
are a place containing many shops.

> solarium - leisure=tanning_salon?
> souvenir - gift?

> tanning - leisure=tanning_salon?
> Also organic is deprecated, but I was told that it was made by one 
> person, so we should also decide if we support this change or we want
> to 
> revert it.
Organic is an important thing to tag, but organic what needs to be
defined. So shop=butchers, organic=yes etc.

Phil (trigpoint)

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