According to this wikipedia article : NYC Water supply

I see many terms to talk about Catskill Aqueduct which is a major part
of this system : aquduct, conduit, tunnel, siphon... but pipeline is
never used.
Google tells nothing about Catskill pipeline but has many results
regarding Catskill aqueduct.

Again here :
I think the sentence "Modern aqueducts may also use pipelines", which
sounds like "An aqueduct is not always a pipeline".

I agree with Colin : a pipeline is a route, but won't be composed of
bare rock drilled tunnels.

The waterway=penstock should exist on the wiki to summarize all this
interesting discussion.

All the best
François Lacombe

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com

2015-10-09 17:40 GMT+02:00 Colin Smale <>:
> I see a pipeline as analogous to a route, i.e. from one place to another,
> made up of many contiguous segments of varying types. Many of these segments
> may be (steel) pipes, but they may also be drilled through rock or whatever.
> A penstock is a particular function of certain pipelines, for example from
> high up to the turbine hall. This pipeline can be made of all kinds of
> segments, just like all other pipelines.
> //colin
> On 2015-10-09 16:59, François Lacombe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> 2015-10-07 1:02 GMT+02:00 Warin <>:
> I'd like to think anything carrying waste water (sewer) would have a non
> permeable lining.. and that lining could be called a 'pipe' and thus it is a
> 'pipeline'.
> To me the 'tubes' in my house for carrying water/gas are pipes .. and as
> they are a line then they are pipelines!
> I'd like to consider the pipeline is almost replacable by its operator.
> A tunnel, furthermore when it's shielded, carrying water isn't
> replacable at all and its components aren't pipes at all.
> Digging rock to get a tunnel is a lot heavier than installing a
> pipeline. It doesn't have the same environmental footprint too.
> Ok to say that sewerage facilities are almost pipelines, but
> sometimes, they are drains or tunnel.
> 2015-10-09 16:28 GMT+02:00 Bryce Nesbitt <>:
> The problem with man_made + waterway on the same node, is both are top level
> tags.
> Here you'd want a refinement tag for pipeline.
> I prefer to say that both man_made=pipeline and waterway=* can be
> standalone to have a meaning instead of the "top level" expression.
> The extension I propose (I'm not refining any existing values here)
> isn't only focused on pipeline but on tunnels too.
> Due to the reasons we talked this week it shouldn't only concern pipelines.
> --
> There are two valid but separate goals to keep in mind.  Are you mapping
> the:
> * Visible surface features
> * The flow of material
> Both are valid mapping goals.  For mapping the flow you want a continuous
> link of
> tags that imply water flow.  That penstock comes from a reservoir or weir,
> passes through a generating station, and exits into a canal which dumps into
> a river
> or a sink.  That flow could be one way or in the case of storage reservoirs
> two ways (pumped
> uphill at low demand times).
> Equally valid is mapping the surface expression only.  Those are pipes
> sticking up out of the ground (a man made feature).
> I would like to map the visible surface features : man_made=pipeline
> ONLY when the penstock is visible and composed of pipes
> AND I would like to map the flow of material with waterway=penstock at
> the same time.
> A penstock may be a pipeline but water is always flowing inside isn't it ?
> Cheers
> François Lacombe
> fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com
> @InfosReseaux
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