Some castles that started off as strictly defensible structures had nondefensible additions later, in peaceable times.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On October 16, 2015 5:13:48 AM Warin <> wrote:

On 16/10/2015 7:49 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2015-10-16 10:02 GMT+02:00 John Willis <

    It just feels weird to tag a more modern structure never used as a
    castle as a castle.

    You are right - the duck test tells me it is an imposing historic
    building. And yea, it looks a bit like a castle and is named
    "castle" - like the disney castle - but it's style is to mimic a
    castle - it was never meant to really be one. It is a rich
    person's house.

You are reading "castle" as a defensive structure, aren't structures
like these castles as well: (ok, that's a
palace in English, but a château in French and a Schloss in German)
and according to the historic=castle page in the wiki, these should be
tagged with castle_type=palace (or manor or stately when smaller / for
lesser nobles)

The OSM wiki page historic=castle has not been 'approved'. I regard it
as wrong ... in particular with regard to Palaces, Manors .. those are
buildings ..
Palace is mentioned in the original proposal page for building...

The dividing line between a castle and a building ..
like the difference between a memorial and a monument .. all relative.

A structure that has an outer defensive wall with an inner building that
also has defensive capabilities is a castle.

A building without defensive capabilities is not a castle.

To me Schloss Ludwigslust
<>, Germany is not a
castle. It is a building.

And btw., you have not yet answered the question regarding the
Neuschwanstein case. I could name a similar example (besides the other
Ludwig II castles in Bavaria), much smaller, here:
Appears to be a castle.
Or also this one, residence of the emperor of Germany (prussian
enclave), but not actually a defensive structure (but "fake

Appears to be a castle. OSM maps 'what is on the ground.. so castle?

Do you agree these are castles? This is the wiki list about castles:

These 19th century castles are all (or mostly) considered castles by
the Germans (actually they are either "Burg", or "Schloss",
Lichtenstein and Hohenzollern both are "Burg", the same word as for
the medieval defensive castles), but they are clearly very different
from medieval castles and never have worked as defensive structures
(neither have they been intended to be such). Here's a very small
example of an actual medieval castle:

Yep all castles. Ruins.. but were castles.

 I brought this significance thing up, because that seems to be the
distinctive criterion for the three castle types "palace", "manor" and

To me, "palace", "manor" and "stately" are buildings.. not castles.

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