On 7/02/2016 3:22 AM, Lauri Kytömaa wrote:
On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 Warin wrote:
  The wiki page for natural=wood has the status shown as 'approved'.
This was set to 'approved' on 20th May 2010.
Many major basic tags were included in a list written in I-believe-it-was
2006, i.e. on the original Map Features page. The tag status templates,
tagging list, and even the idea of proposed features was conceived
later than many basic tags that just about everybody uses. FWIW,
before the tagging list existed, the discussion on new tags took place
on the "talk" list.

I did 'look' on the talk list archive too ... for some 4 months previous to the 
change... two authors with 'wood' .. but no subjects with 'wood'.

The key 'natural' was marked status approved in 2014 ... nothing on the tag 
list ...
and that is after the tagging list and approval process were established by 
some years...

It does appear that the status being set to 'approved' does not necessarily 
mean that it ;

a) pre-dates the approval process


b) has been approved by the tagging list

So ... what is the point of having an approval process if it is circumvented by 
simple wiki edits?

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