
Our names are Andrew Hall and Sarah McRoberts and we are Ph.D. students and researchers within GroupLens Research at the University of Minnesota. We are currently undertaking a study on data contribution within OpenStreetMap and would greatly appreciate any OpenStreetMap contributors who are willing to talk about their experiences. Specifically, we are interested in 1) contributors of any type of geographic map data to OpenStreetMap AND/OR 2) contributors to the OpenStreetMap wiki pages (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org). The interview is short and will definitely not take more than 60 minutes (probably closer to 30 minutes) and will be held by video-chat/voice-chat or phone. Participants will receive a $10 USD Amazon gift card. We would sincerely appreciate any volunteers. We would love to talk to you about OpenStreetMap! You can reach us at h...@cs.umn.edu or mcrob...@umn.edu.

Thank you,

Andrew and Sarah

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