Am 26.03.2016 um 17:15 schrieb Tom Pfeifer <>:

Thus I would like to use a different qualifier for those ways entering
the lot and connecting the aisles, e.g. service=parking_access.

This does not break any consumer, is not used so far (ok, once, exactly for
the purpose), and also solves a recent question in the wiki for a related
problem, a separate parking road parallel to a main road.

Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2016/03/26 17:59:

I agree with the intention to have 2 different classes of service.
sometimes, not too rarely, those ways are not only for access to the parking 
but also to pass through, to go to the main entrance (e.g. for the boss, for 
honorable guests, for disabled, etc.) or to go to another site. Would we have 
different tags for all those possibilities? I think I prefer service without 
additional qualifier for the second class, but if you come up with something 
more neutral that still bears the hierarchy connotation, I could support it.

Interesting perspective. So we have currently
('parking_aisle', 'drive-through', 'driveway')
which are treated as the minor class in Carto.
'alley' is another minor value not considered there.

So what would be a good value to be wider than just parking?

- access is more general than parking_access, but
  not very self-explanatory. Used 500 times,
  predominantly with highway=service

- main implies some importance, is used 450 times in
  the railway context.


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