I have been tagging a big bunch of natural=river_terrace in eastern
Senegal. The features that I have been tagging are ridges that follow
the course of a river in rocky terrain - not quite a canyon, but more
abrupt than a valley... I could have tagged them as natural=ridge but I
stumbled upon natural=river_terrace and since they are dependent
features of the river I thought it would be more appropriate and
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Driver_terrace seems to
Anyway, I tagged natural=river_terrace on open ways - the same way it is
normally done for natural=ridge. The JOSM Validator doesn't like that:
"natural type river_terrace - Unclosed way". But then, the
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Driver_terrace proposal
mentions that natural=river_terrace should not be used on areas - only
on ways.So, which is right ? Open way, closed way or both ?And should
natural=river_terrace even exist or should it be natural=ridge +
ridge=river_terrace ?

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