2016-06-17 12:16 GMT+02:00 Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl>:

> But parcel receiving also does not include direct payment (at least I was
> using just a pass code to open),

+1, yes, parcel receiving also has nothing to do with vending. Even if you
had to directly pay something, it still would not be a vending machine,
because you don't buy the parcel there, you just receive it.

> So laundry sending/receiving machine may be tagged for example as
> "amenity=parcel_box + laundry=yes/laundry_service=yes" (special case of
> parcels) or just "amenity=laundry_box", "amenity=laundry_machine".

I wouldn't tag them as "parcel box". Your laundry is not a parcel. Maybe
laundry drop off / pick up would be a more suitable term, not a good tag
eventually (too long). What about "laundry_box" and a good description in
the wiki?

> I think amenity=photo_booth (which is marked as an exception - instead of
> vending=photo) is interesting to look closer. It would make sense if we
> define vending as a service for dispensing _standard_ (serial) consumer
> goods and photos/parcels/laundry are personal.

in the case of a photo booth I think that vending machine might be
acceptable (it is about selling a service, the photo taking and
developping), although I clearly prefer amenity=photo_booth as a tag.

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