Either nodes and/or SIT

openlevelup.net can be used to visualize.


Am 28.06.2016 um 13:05 schrieb jeffrey.rho...@geogr.uni-giessen.de:
> Hello,
> I'm currently working on a Campus Information System via OSM for my
> university, and stumbled upon a tagging problem:
> The University has rented officers in some multi-leveled buildings
> that include both Offices (commercial and University), Flats, and
> shops on the gorund floor.
> I oculdn't find any definite information o nthat on the Net, just
> multiple ideas, though none of which seemed to be an official consens
> on hwo to tag such building.
> Is it best to set up a building, and then trow multiple ' point'
> objects in there with the tagging for the specific uses, or setting up
> subsections for each use in the buidings own tags, or something i
> missed entirely?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Jeffrey Rhodes
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