
The layer attribute is only used for overlapping OSM elements to
indicate their relative position ( indoor mapping should be using
"level" (the SIT tagging scheme has already been referenced). In a pure
indoor scenario I would consider layer unnecessary (JOSM will naturally
complain bitterly, but that's life, and standard renderers will simply
ignore the level tag). BTW Kings's Cross already has some indoor mapping
(all overground at this point in time):


While we are on the topic, maybe it would be time to move the draft to a
more permanent status given that none of the other proposals has gained
traction or have substantial design issues.


Am 02.07.2016 um 13:47 schrieb Bjoern Hassler:
> Hi Volker,
> My question does relate to overlapping steps, see
> for context (King's Cross underground,
> London). Yes, layer rather than level.
> I'm thinking about accessibility, as well as ease of mapping. Suppose
> you are at a certain location, how do you determine what
> steps/escalators/elevators connect to that location (from other
> floors)? In other words, what are your access options to that layer.
> Similarly for mapping: because of the extensive network, it's hard to
> see what's what. With layer on steps you could examine the data layer
> by layer. If only footways have layers, what overpass query would you
> use to include steps?
> Thanks for note on up/down. The wiki documentation does suggest this:
> "By convention, the /direction of the way/ should preferably point
> uphill, but the key incline
> <>=* should always be
> added to the way (see the talk
> <>page
> <>for more
> details)." So no default direction as you say, but convention and
> recommended incline tag.
> Bjoern
> On 2 Jul 2016 12:04, "Volker Schmidt" <
> <>> wrote:
>     "layer" is not relevant here. The "layer" tag is only used to
>     indicate the relative vertical position of the object with respect
>     to other objects. So steps would only have a layer tag if they are
>     crossing another way, but not connecting to it.
>     To indicate the up or down direction of steps, you can use the tag
>     incline=up|down. There is no default direction of steps, as far a
>     I know.
>     Your question may refer to the "level" tag. In that case your
>     steps are connecting different floor levels of a building. I would
>     not assign a "level" tag value to a stair that connects the first
>     floor (level=1) with the second floor (level=2) of a building.
>     Volker
>     On 2 July 2016 at 12:28, Bjoern Hassler <
>     <>> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         What is the consensus on the  layer tag for steps?
>         In the direction of the way, steps should normally run
>         uphill/upwards, say from layer=-2 to layer=-1.
>         Should the steps be tagged with layer=-2 or layer=-1? Or both
>         (using different tags)?
>         Thanks,
>         Bjoern
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