Some exceptions?

Some could be on the roof .. and therefore 'outside' and visible from outside.

Some could be visible through a large glass 'window' from the outside.

 the On 7/24/2016 7:38 PM, Simon Poole wrote:
Isn't this a bit of a non-question, given that neither the indoor, nor
the level tag is currently imported in to the rendering database, so you
really only have the option of testing if the object in question is in a
building outline or not (which may be a bit expensive).


Am 24.07.2016 um 00:42 schrieb Daniel Koć:
We are on the way to render artworks on osm-carto (default map layer
on main website), but during testing phase I've found that in Louvre
they are tagged not only on the exterior, but also some of them are
inside the building (as part of the permanent exposition, I guess).

This made me think if - and how - should we tag such features? Current
definition is laconic and does not help in this case ("A tag for
public pieces of art"). Should we just add "indoor=yes" (currently
67k+ uses), find new tagging scheme or just introduce a policy which
doesn't let tagging them?

It is important for a rendering strategy - we're not able to recognize
which are visible outside and which are not and it creates a visual mess:

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