In Saudi Arabia a wadi is a mostly dry riverbed that carries water very 
infrequently (maybe a couple of times year).

Within most sandy bottomed wadi’s is at least one track (typically 4wd).

The exact location of the track within the wadi will change due to occasional 
flooding events.

I’ve read the discussion summary at 
<> but
I’m still not clear exactly how to tag this feature?

It seems:

        - waterway=wadi
        - intermittent=yes

is ok.

But how to indicate can be vehicle track?

Is it ok to mark a track in the “rough” vicinity (i.e.: the track path will 
change between flooding events)?

Should the wadi “line” be marked in the centre between the edges?

Would these tags be ok for a: “sandy bottomed wadi; 4wd only"

        waterway = wadi
        intermittent = yes
        highway = track
        tracktype = grade4
        4wd_only = yes
        surface = unpaved

Suggestions welcome.


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