Dave, well, as I implied, no, I'm not sure.

Janko started a thread in legal-talk where you can expect more
knowledgeable answers. Simon Poole answered, basically, "it depends". Which
I think is correct, as Martin's answer also explains.

Andre Angels, your comment was really uncalled for.

2016-09-21 12:05 GMT+02:00 Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com>:

> On 21/09/2016 07:51, joost schouppe wrote:
>> Using copyrighted material to spot errors in OSM is still copyright
>> violation (well, a specialist in copyright should confirm that).
> Hmm... Are you sure? I (& I'm sure others as well) use UK OS maps to spot
> features missing from OSM & then use those maps to navigate to them so they
> can be surveyed. Do you consider that a violation?
> Dave F.
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