I see a lot of usage of the generic tag highway=road, which is meant as a 
temporary tag and a “low level entry tag” for beginners. The problem with this 
is that because of its ambiguous meaning, it is impossible for data consumers 
to process this correctly. 

i.e., highway=road means anything between a small footway to motorway, so a 
routing engine might wrongfully send cars down a set of steps or a hiker up a 

As described on the proposal page, this tag is meant to be temporary until more 
data can be obtained from survey.

I have now had a few rounds of cleanup of the usage of this tag in Brazil. My 
cleanup run last year found highway=road that had been unedited for 3 years, so 
hardly temporary. This year I found several highway=road added by armchair 
mappers from Europe, and I doubt they ever will travel to the remote areas of 
Brazil to correct this.

I am still in progress of checking each of these elements manually, I started 
this years cleaning with more than 3600 highway road in Brazil alone, roughly 
14 months after I had completely cleaned Brazil the last time.

In my opinion, a warning about its temporary state and non-capability with data 
consumers should be added to the wiki, and it should be removed from the 
standard presets of all the common editors. Also editors with validation 
functions should give a warning about the existence of this temporary tag so 
that it can be dealt with properly by people editing in the areas, and further 
QA tools should highlight them as items needing attention.
Aun Johnsen

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