‎> I think we should come up with a common sense rule what name should usually

I suspect that it might take some time before consensus is reached on that one 

There have been a number of discussions about "what should be in a name" 
worldwide, and getting people within one country to agree is hard enough, 
especially in countries without official languages and within countries where 
"official" isn't the same as "most used". There's an ongoing discussion on 
talk-it about Sardinia, and the Algerian forum discussion from some time ago 
highlights a number of the problems with "combined names" (especially 
containing multiple character sets and both rtl and ltr script).

(re the proposed rendering) I  had thought of doing something ‎similar myself, 
but via lua at database load/update time - find the first name:xy that matches 
a substring of "name" and use that as "a local name in a local language". Never 
got around to actually doing it for real though.

As has already been said this _ought_ to be a job for wikidata. Normally 
scalability of wikidata queries would be an issue (if any can think of a 
workaround to that it'd be great to share) but the number of countries is 
limited enough to make that approach workable here perhaps?


  Original Message  
From: Sven Geggus
Sent: Tuesday, 25 October 2016 19:00
Reply To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Tagging of Country Names

Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:

> How would you propose making this change?

I think we should come up whith a common sense rule what name should usually
contain (hence this discussion) and thus the tagging can be changed by
mappers accordingly.

Currently the state is inconsistent (see Egypt vs. Thailand example).

I could also live with an "english-name native-name" rule because I could
remove the english name automatically for my map. All I want to get rid of
is the current inconsistency.



"Das Einzige wovor wir Angst haben müssen ist die Angst selbst"
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)

/me is giggls@ircnet, http://sven.gegg.us/ on the Web

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