2017-01-05 11:59 GMT+01:00 Tom Pfeifer <t.pfei...@computer.org>:

> However, using office=coworking blocks this key for a description what is
> being done in these offices. So it mixes values of describing the trade
> with how the work is organised.
> thus we could have:
> * office=graphics_design + coworking=yes
>   or even keep the amenity tag for the facility:
> * office=software_development + amenity=coworking(_space)

what is done in an office mostly depends on the field the company is
engaged in. In a coworking the main characteristic is that there is no
(one) company, so typically there will be lots of different things done in
parallel. The fact that it is a coworking on the other hand is already some
indication what kind of work is probably done there, typically graphics
design, web development, software development, architecture, journalism,
and other fields where the "modern precariat"/freelance is engaged in.
You'll hardly find banksters in a coworking for example.

The coworking spaces I know of are not restricted (neither by concept, nor
in reality) to a single kind of topic/field, but this may of course vary.

When detailing the tagging I think it would be more interesting to see what
kind of co-working relation it is: can you rent an office space by the
hour? Do you have to engage at least for a medium term (1 month)? What kind
of services offers the place (e.g. internet bandwidth, meeting rooms,
kitchen / catering, etc.), what is the size (could be the "capacity" tag,
maximum number of people).

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