
Some time back, there was a largish discussion about shops that sell fuel,
but are definitely not a fuel station.


Of course, there was no consensus, but most people seemed to agree that a
new tag was needed. Also, there was no tag available for shops that sell
other kinds of fuels, like charcoal or heating oil. So I created this wiki


I also added the tag to the main shop page too.
Hope this doesn't infuriate anyone. Feel free to edit the page of course.

Something I did note during the edits: the description for shop=gas is
completely contradictory on the shop=* and the shop=gas page. One implies
"technical" gas, the other gas as a cooking fuel. I would suggest dropping
shop=gas (or only keep it for "technical" gas), and just use a subtag

shop=fuel + fuel:[whatever gas]=yes

Joost Schouppe
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