On 2017-01-23 09:53, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> sent from a phone
>> On 22 Jan 2017, at 22:18, Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
>> Consumers who are not ready to handle multiple values in their data models 
>> can stop reading after the first value
> consumers unaware of multiple values in the same field will see all those 
> multiple values together as just one value. Either you deal with multiple 
> values (even in some basic way like splitting the string and throwing away 
> most of it) or they will break the system for you. This means checking all 
> values of all tags if they might have to be split.

This subject has been discussed so many times in the past, over several
years. It seems that OSM is incapable of moving forward. The current
data model does not accommodate multi-valued attributes, and in the
absence of leadership, many competing systems have been brought forward
and come into use. None of them is perfect, none of them suit everybody.
If the data model is to evolve to included MVAs with some kind of
structured approach, choices have to be made and not everyone will be
happy. That's the price of progress - you can't make an omelette without
breaking eggs. 

It's a complete waste of time to have yet another debate about the pro's
and con's of semicolons vs suffixes and all the other possibilities,
without having some kind of mechanism in place, and the will, to
actually make a decision one way or the other. 

By the way, it wouldn't be the first time the data model has changed in
a way that broke some data consumers. The IDs were extended from 32 bits
to 64 bits. That meant all consumers needed to review their code and
adapt to the change. 

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