On 14-Mar-17 04:53 AM, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
On 13.03.2017 16:57, Andy Townsend wrote:
I'm a native English British English speaker, and to me brownfield does
not mean just "scheduled for development".  It just means "was used for
some development but is no longer".  It _may_ then be used for something
else in the future (you often hear "redevelopment of brownfield sites),
but that's not a requirement.

It'd be perfectly meaningful to say "in XYZ place there are lots of
brownfield sites not scheduled for any development".

Fine, so maybe we losen the Wiki definition a bit, saying that the land _might_ be scheduled for future development. That leaves the focus on the fact that the land had been used before.

Might is rather too pessimistic for me to place that in OSM. I would prefer 'probable', both terms are subjective .. so some will object.
So I would have
the land _probably_  will be developed.

On 13.03.2017 15:55, Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> "landuse" says that a specific piece of land is being used for something.
> Then "disused" says that it's being used for nothing.

Yes that is a form of troll tagging, negating the key. Thus I'd prefer brownfield as above.

I think it says what it was used for .. a disused church is still a church.
The question should be ... is it still recognisable for what it was?

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