<on soapbox>
<sarcasm on>
You forgot to merge shop=jewelry with shop=clothes (*)

Maybe the next tags we can merge are shop=car, bicycle, truck,
motorcycle, car_repair, car_parts, tires.
After all they are all vehicle related. something like shop=vehicle;
vehicle:type=car; ... perhaps ?
<sarcasm off>

Do we really want to merge shop=clothes with shop=shoe ? All editors
have to be adapted, data consumers will have to support both tagging
methods for quite some time, validators need to be adapted.
And what do we gain ? That a data consumer that does not want to
differentiate between the two, only has to use 1 query to get both
types of shops ? Or is it because some shops sell both ?

I can understand that would have been an issue if you got lot's of
questions and complaints about shop=clothes; shoes; boutique &
fashion. But I haven't seen it brought up before. And yes, I too have
problems to distinguish between boutique & fashion. But I'm not
expert. But I do see the difference between shoe and clothes in most
cases. And of course there will be shops that sell both, that is
because the world is not black & white. Whatever classification (tags)
you choose,  there will be exceptions.

I think this mailing should focus more on what cannot be mapped yet
and on unsettled issues such as multi-valued values, proper tags for
unpaved roads in developing countries, landuse vs. landcover, etc.;
rather that merging 2 shop types.
<off soapbox>



(*)  At least this would have solved the UK-GB / US-GB language problem

On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 3:03 AM, Daniel Koć <daniel@koć.pl> wrote:
> I have created a proposal for sorting things out with clothes and shoes
> shops according to our discussions on this list:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/shop%3Dclothes_subtags
> --
> "Probably it's an eternal problem - too many chiefs, too few Indians" [O.
> Muzalyev]
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