IMHO three nodes is the solution, add level tags if they are not on the
same floor.

If the address was on the building polygon duplicating the address
information on the POI would not be necessary, but knowing Dutch
numbering schemes, that likely doesn't make sense.

I consider this problem slightly different to the normal one object that
has multiple top level attributes issue, as this is clearly the case of
multiple separate objects sharing common sub tags which I don't really
consider a big problem (assume for example one of the offices moves, the
office node in question can simply be  moved to the new location and
address changes, history preserved. easy to do  for beginners and so on).


Am 26.10.2017 um 17:01 schrieb Marc Zoutendijk:
> Hi all,
> Recently I discovered a tagging where at the same street address and
> house number, 3 different (although related) companies  are located. 
> Because adding multiple values to the same key is not easy to do in
> OSM, (mostly used for adding more telephone numbers, separating the
> numbers with a semicolon), and in this case the mapper had chosen to
> simply add three nodes and duplicate all the relevant address tags.
> Because all three companies had an office=research tag and because the
> office tag is not rendered at all on the standard map(!!) but only
> shows the addr:housenumber (when present), the above described tagging
> resulted in showing 3 times the same address node on the map. Which by
> definition is wrong because a given street address (addr:city +
> addr:street + addr:postcode + addr:housenumber) _must be unique_ - at
> least in the country (The Netherlands) where I live and where I found
> this situation.
> In The Netherlands _all_ buildings and the related address nodes were
> (and still are) imported in a huge import (BAG) which was discussed
> years ago and also presented in a wiki:
> Dutch mappers usually add POI information (like a shop, restaurant,
> hotel etc. ) to an existing address node and usually this works well,
> except when we face the situation where more objects share that very
> same address. E.g. it is not uncommon to have a hotel and a bar share
> the same building and address. In this case the hotel is added to the
> (existing) address node and a new node is created for the bar, but
> without the address information and this node is simply put within the
> contour of the hotel building.
> The situation I’m describing here, with 3 research offices all sharing
> the same address would (could?) lead to tagging like this:
> addr:street=streetname
> addr:housenumber=X
> office=research
> name=“name of first office”;”name of second office”;”name of third office”
> webiste=“website-1”;“website-2”;“website-3”
> phone=“phonenumber-1”;“phonenumber-1”;“phonenumber-1”
> Which wouldn’t be my choice of solving this problem, suppose the
> values for office would differ as well, this would give even more
> complicated tag combinations. Maintaining/checking it would be cumbersome.
> How to render this mess?
> Other solutions have been presented over the years in various wikis,
> forums and mailing-lists, but a satisfactory solution still has to be
> found, hence my question to continue reading and study this proposal
> that was done in 2011:
> I wrote the mapper who proposed this a PM and he replied with the
> message that he is no longer very active on OSM.
> I have used this proposed relation for the tagging of the 3 named
> offices here:
> Of course because this is an unsupported type of relation, nothing
> shows on the map, save the (one) house number, but here you can see
> the situation as it was before I added my changes:
> With tools like OpenPoiMap you can see some results, but because the
> address tags are removed you have to guess that those 3 offices share
> the same address:
> I must say that this way of tagging (with a relation) looks quite
> clear to me, is easy to do and opens up many possibilities. But is it
> easy to render once accepted? 
> Hence:
> 1. Should we continue and discuss and finally vote for the proposal
> mentioned above?
> 2. Can you think of another solution for this specific problem: “how
> to map/tag multiple (sometimes even not related) objects to the same
> (one) address node?”
> Thanks for any input,
> Marc.
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