I cannot find any reason you replace the POIs with landuse=*. Maybe you
think tag them in an area is more factual, however this is almost
impossible to achieve. First, POI is an indispensable element in GIS.
Second, there are already millions of them on the Map. Third, pushing area
mapping to an extreme will cause much inconvenience to data users and
mappers. Therefore you can tag those things as an area, since many amenity
tags can perform an area element. But don't force others to do so. Also
mass replaces are discouraged. And I think they could add some new landuse
values because I cannot find landuse tags describing something like a large
culture centre(museums, gallery) Anyway, always remember that landuse tags
are general.

On Saturday, November 4, 2017, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> Maybe some will want to weigh in on the discussion of the obvious trend:
> https://github.com/simonpoole/beautified-JOSM-preset/issues/
> 27#issuecomment-341898723
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