That school is non-religious for OSM tagging purposes.

19-11-2017 01:31 tarihinde José G Moya Y. yazdı:
> Also, a note about
> optional      religion <>=*
> In Spain the government pays some religious institutions for giving
> educational services to people for free. 
> This leads to strange situations like islamic people bringing their
> daughters to a school ruled by catholic nuns and requiring the girls
> to study a non-religious curriculum.and even allowing girls wear a
> /hijab/. Should we tag these schools as "religion=catholic" or leave
> it blank?
> Regards. 
> 2017-11-18 19:06 GMT+01:00 Erkin Alp Güney <
> <>>:
>     This version is considered for voting:
> <>
Yours, faithfully
Erkin Alp

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