
On 28.11.2017 12:34, Jo wrote:
> Grouping objects in associatedStreet and river relations (and adding
> wikidata identifiers on them) partly solves this, but associatedStreet
> wasn't liked much and is pretty much dead in the water

I'd be worried that adding a part_of:wikidata key would have the same
counterarguments as the associatedStreet idea had; and if you are
planning to override that criticism, then perhaps it would be better to
override it by using associatedStreet. (I always thought
associatedStreet was only to match houses and a street, and a route=road
was used for multi-part streets but I may be wrong.)

> and in the river
> relations, only the linear features are included, not the riverbank area
> ways

If that is a genuine issue then I think you should introduce a new kind
of relation in OSM that includes the riverbanks (or suggesst that
riverbanks are included in river relations), instead of outsourcing that
relationship to Wikidata.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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