On 2018-01-14 17:41, OSMDoudou wrote:
> Hello,
> Osmose is giving an error at many places around the R50 trunk with
> reason "access=yes|permissive allow all transport modes" and
> additional info "Including ski, horse, moped, hazmat and so on, unless
> explicitly excluded". For example, this way [1] has the error [2].
> The road is clearly signed as forbidden to pedestrians, bikes and
> moped. [3]
> I'm not sure how to improve the tagging to resolve the error.
> Should I remove the entire "access" tag ?
> Or set it to something else, like "access=designated" ? The road is
> not designated as for motor vehicles only and hazmat is not forbidden,
> but if care enough for you horse, you wouldn't let it go there :-) and
> nobody in his right mind would try to go ski there even on snowy days… :-)
> What do you suggest ?
Access tags are only needed when they contradict a wider scope access
tag or rule.
access=yes is never necessary when there is nothing forbidding general
access (the highest scope).
Just like bicycle=yes is not needed when no other tag or rule forbids
But in access=no bicycle=yes, it is needed because allowing bicycles
contradicts forbidding all traffic.

Although there is no nuisance allowing with *=yes what is already
allowed, I advise to remove them because many contributors do their
mapping by copying the tags of similar cases. And those too many
unnecessary *=yes are not exactly teaching them this fundamental, very
basic rule of the access tags: they are confusing.
(it's a pity to find a whole list of bicycle=yes foot=yes horse=yes etc.
when nothing forbids them)

But access=no  motor_vehicle=yes  make much sense if that's the
intention (horse=no too, not speaking of elephants).



> Thx.
> [1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/328935225#map=18/50.46032/3.95820
> [2] http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/error/15187485950
> [3]
> https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=50.460233333333335&lng=3.9591305555555554&z=17&pKey=eaxXlnQC_nxGAzi9T7JU5g&focus=photo&x=0.5468615573991835&y=0.49186316322319024&zoom=1.81360201511335
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