2018-01-22 17:25 GMT+01:00 Fernando Trebien <fernando.treb...@gmail.com>:

> - paving_stones: blocks or stones with smooth flat top, tight gaps
> [same images as today]


> - sett: hewn stones with flat top, wide filled gaps, comfortable to
> cycle and walk on, uncomfortable on high heels [today's image and also
> [2] used previously for sett]

ok, although it remains unclear what "filled" gaps means. Is this
purposefully filled (e.g. with sand, or bitumen), or is it about them being
old? You'll hardly find open gaps in older pavements, because they will
fill themselves.

> - cobblestone: hewn stones with slightly arched top, wide filled gaps,
> uncomfortable to cycle on, difficult on high heels [images [3] and [4]
> used previously for cobblestone:flattened and cobblestone]

difficult to distinguish from your previous example (sett)

> - cobblestone:raised: natural or hewn stones with very round/irregular
> top, wide empty gaps, fixed to a bedding, difficult to cycle and walk
> on, uncomfortable to drive on [images [5] and [6] used previously for
> cobblestone but rejected]

again "empty gaps", same comment as for filled gaps.
"uncomfortable" for driving in a car? Depends on the suspension of the car
I'd say.
I agree that these seem to occur more rarely than the
cobblestone:flattened, although around here it is full of them (in old
villages / towns).

> - cobblestone:flattened: never (to avoid confusion)

OK by me, only 4 271 of these, and most cobblestone tagged surfaces would
maybe be better described as cobblestone:flattened (current definitions).

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