> For some context, here are 4 pictures.
> https://m.imgur.com/a/cyFFn

* 1st and 2nd: Shinto shrine?
I cannot deside its a Shinto shrine or not. It could be a Shinto
garage(Mikoshi is placed in it).
If so, I would tag it as building=garage(or yes) + religion=shinto (without

* 3rd: small wayside shrines
A sign says "A Big Cryptomeria tree of Acala Buddhism god".
Acala could be enshrined in the temple nearby.

* 4th: Tablets
It is very difficult to distinguish "memorial" and "wayside_shrine".
The words on the left tablet is "Dragon Lamp Pine tree".
There could be a legend that a dragon lighted up a pine tree here.
So I think it is historic=memorial, there was a legendary pine tree here.

> https://www.flickr.com/photos/javbw/11083806845/
It's difficult to read it. I think it is "Eternal Pine tree Lamp".
Maybe similar legend is here.

> https://www.flickr.com/photos/javbw/11091117975/
I can't read the word at all.
However it looks like a shinto object to me.
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