Well, I see some edits in the past year adding info for Australia and New
Zealand. In a mail discussion this summer (I'm in a mobile so I can't
search mail while  writing) I think someone talked abou ISCED, but I'm not
sure. I used it to tag the school where I work, also.

I think ISCED is a nice standard, but, as it is not used by common people,
it is not very useful. If you are moving from a town to other, It is more
likely for you to look for schools in the official school department

El mar., 10 de abril de 2018 16:46, Fredrik <li...@0v.no> escribió:

> The proposal
> (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/ISCED) for
> isced:level was marked as abandoned after 6 years of no real conclusion,
> but they key is used ~120,000 times so I created the page
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:isced:level and copied over the
> central information from the proposal page.
> Any additions, suggestions or objections?
> --
> FredrikLindseth
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