+1 with Tod Fitch.
The OSM/UK road types are relevant in the UK, but need to be translated for use elsewhere.

On 08/05/18 04:53, Tod Fitch wrote:
I sometimes think those of us who speak a dialect of English other than that of 
the UK should simply view tag values as “code words” and not worry about the 
definition is.

We already have wiki pages dedicated to helping translate local road levels 
into OSM/UK road classifications. Just accept that UK/OSM “unclassified” does 
not mean unclassified in any context other than OSM/UK roads. Just accept that 
it is a meaningless series of letters and could just as easily be something 
like “x23q”. Use it as a code word index into the wiki page for your country on 
what type of road that represents.

Looking at the wiki page for my country’s agreed upon translation, I tag public 
roads that are below that of a tertiary but do not have houses on them as 
“unclassified”. If the agency maintaining the road has placed markers, even 
just little inconspicuous ones, that list their reference ID for the road then 
I consider that fair game to tag as either ref or unsigned_ref (generally I’ll 
go with unsigned ref if the signs are not specifically designed for the 
motorist to see and use for guidance).

On May 7, 2018, at 11:24 AM, Erkin Alp Güney <erkinalp9...@gmail.com> wrote:

Russia is an example of this, they have many unpaved quarternary and
quinary roads.

07-05-2018 21:13 tarihinde Kevin Kenny yazdı:
On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 12:47 PM, yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com
<mailto:yopaseo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The topic is the classification of OSM is not the same as
    countries have, and this make troubles. An UNCLASSIFIED road as
    its name says it is unclassified...but when you need some road
    classification with a step more than tertiary then you use
    unclassified, and if the road has ref...you put in then. Why don't
    you reorder the tertiary roads? They also catch your less thant
    tertiary roads in your country. Also it is the same problem with
    trunk or primary: whatis the difference between trunk of one lane
    per direction and a primary road? Also you have the issue if you
    consider the administrative classification as we do some
    countries: a trunk may be a trunk because being managed by one
    specific administration? WTF? Is it good for the map? All the
    roads by a local administration should be unclassified? It is a
    complicated problem. I suggest to reclassify the other roads in
    their grades to make unclassified roads unclassified as the name
    says it.

One issue is that we have the "UK English is the language of tagging"
rule - which widely gets interpreted as "highway classification must
be force-fit into the UK system." The US system presents a complex
problem for this, since most highway classification is delegated to
the states, and they all have their own local schemes.

In many counties in the US, rural roads are unnamed and have only
reference numbers. A farm road may be "County Road 2200N" (which is a
different classification from, say, "County Highway 23", and typically
shown only on small blade signs, not banner signs) or "State Farm and
Market Road #2134". As I understand it, it would fit pretty closely
with what "unclassified" roads - which are a formal classification in
the UK! - are understood to be.

Near where I live, numbered 'US', 'State' and many 'County' roads do
NOT reflect the governing body - they are all managed by the state
department of transportation. Historically, they had other structures,
but responsibilities were reallocated. The 'US' highway numbers are
coordinated with neighbouring states, but the administration is by the
state.  There are also numbered but (nearly) unsigned 'reference
routes' also maintained by the state to 'State' highway standards. I
say 'nearly' unsigned because they do often have inconspicuous
chaining markers with their numbers.

Rather than labeling the governing body, the 'US', 'State' and
'County' designations around here reflect the grade of importance,
expected level of traffic and expected quality of maintenance.  Given
that the designation reflects relative importance rather than
administrative jurisdiction, despite the labeling, I'm comfortable
with having US, State, and County numbered roads be 'primary',
'secondary' and 'tertiary' - but in the places where the counties
number virtually every road, there is a need for a tier below
'tertiary' - and 'unclassified' seems to be it; it's a working
category that might otherwise be 'quaternary.'

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