2018-05-11 10:16 GMT+02:00 Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com>:

> >
> > this tagging only works in the case of one way streets or separate
> carriageways, otherwise it is not clear to which direction the tags apply
> (you have to look for the closest intersection and guess, which will often
> work but isn’t a real solution)
> This is no longer true,  OsmAnd now has support for the direction tag on
> stop
> signs: https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/2885

this was about "conceptually impossible", there is nothing OSMAnd can do
about it.

It might use a "best guess" approach, but it isn't a defined modelling and
risks breaking any time because
a) someone might split the road at the node, so that there are 2 ways using
the node
b) someone might add a new way to the node
c) someone might reverse the way (and would likely not be notified about

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