The real question, which as far as I can tell you haven’t answered, is: Does 
that same vehicle, after completing its route, start at the beginning of the 
same route again?


Based on your description, the route as mapped is A1->B->C->D->E->A2.


Can I get on at E, stay on the vehicle, and get off at B? (In which case I 
would expect that after finishing at A2, the vehicle goes to A1, and you can 
remain on board during that time. A2 may be (but doesn’t have to) an “exit 
only” and A1 and “entry only” stop).


If yes, then it is roundtrip=yes. And you shouldn’t just remove an existing tag 
that actually applies.

If no, then the roundtrip=yes is wrong and should be removed.


From: Jo <> 
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2018 15:13
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <>
Subject: Re: [Tagging] roundtrip


An example of a (bus) route that goes out and comes back to the same location. 
It's not circle shaped at all, but that shouldn't matter for circular route.


I removed roundtrip=yes and replaced it with





If the last way wouldn't be in there, closed_loop would be yes. But the first 
and the last bus stops are not exactly opposite one another.





2018-05-27 6:22 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson < 
<> >:

On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 5:41 AM, Peter Elderson < 
<> > wrote:

I wish you a happy trip on that bus, hope it has toilets and a tolerable coffee 


Oh, you sweet, summer child.  Someone's never tried to take a suburban route in 
the US, even in a "transit oriented" American city... 

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