I forgot to include the point of my previous message -- I think that being
dismantled every night is not so important.

P.D. Enviado desde un móvil (celular). Disculpe las erratas. No veo bien la

El lun., 28 de mayo de 2018 7:51, José G Moya Y. <josem...@gmail.com>

> Three years ago I read about rules for street vendors in my city, Madrid.
> The rules design as "street vendors" a mix of:
> a) Newsagent kiosks and similar (ONCE kiosks). Most of them are permanent,
> not dismantled at night.
> b) Churro/french fries/hot dog vans/kiosks. They operate on winter only,
> some of them are not dismantled.
> c) Mellon and watermellon kiosks. They operate on summer only.
> d) street markets.
> All of these have to apply in order to operate, and they are always
> "parked" at the same point. A list of all them is issued once per year.
> Despite this, many other "street vendors" operate out of official rules,
> either applying for a yearly event or asking permission on a per-event
> basis. These other vendors (including most hipster street food vans) are
> not considered "street vendors" on city regulations.
> And there are also the allegal-illegal street vendors, such piracy
> merchandise vendors and homemade tamal vendors, not covered by any
> regulation.
> P.D. Enviado desde un móvil (celular). Disculpe las erratas. No veo bien
> la pantalla...
> El lun., 28 de mayo de 2018 1:38, Graeme Fitzpatrick <
> graemefi...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> On 28 May 2018 at 09:07, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How about outdoor_vendor?
>>> However, both of the examples you give are the sort that usually don't
>>> have fixed assignments for vendors
>>> so you couldn't map them at stall level anyway.
>> Fair enough on both counts,
>> Would you tag the entire area eg
>> https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.0641793,153.4386994,81m/data=!3m1!1e3
>> as outdoor_vendor though?, or is that considered implicit in it being a
>> marketplace?
>> Thanks
>> Graeme
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