The side street used to be a special living_street exactly like the calle
resedincial but the signs have been removed.
Now it's a regular street, where the 30-Km zone applies. It's just the exit
of the side street onto the bigger street we're talking about. I do think
that part resembles a living area more than the side street itself, which
has sidewalks, elevated kerbs (except where the exit begins) and children
should not play on the street.

On the exit part on the sidewalk paving, children can and do play. Parents
of course teach them to step aside when a car comes.

Answering another remark about UK T-crossings: the "dutch_street_exit" can
be, and often is, opposite another exit, or a regular road, to which normal
preference rules apply.

Is this type of street_exit exclusively dutch, i wonder?

2018-06-15 16:26 GMT+02:00 yo paseopor <>:

> In Spain this would be a living_street, the sidewalk is at the same level
> and the structure of the street does not allow speed faster than 20. Also I
> have to say the start of the bigger is street is a 30 Zone .
> 302.01h,81.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sC_F6n_roU1i10R-RCah1eA!
> 2e0!7i13312!8i6656
> Also in Spain we have this traffic sign http://www.autoescuela.
> tv/ver_senyal-180-S-dosocho-Calle_residencial and you can see it at the
> start of every street of this kind.
> Salut i mapes
> yopaseopor
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 8:05 AM Peter Elderson <>
> wrote:
>> In Nederland we have a growing number of  "exit constructions", where
>> traffic has to cross a section of sidewalk to join the larger road. There
>> is no traffic sign for this, it is indicated by the construction and lining
>> of the join section. "If it looks like a driveway exit, treat it like a
>> driveway exit" is the idea. Don't bother with signs, just use more sidewalk
>> pavement.
>> 14.43h,78.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8uG7mHF9cw2n65XprKze0w!
>> 2e0!7i13312!8i6656
>> This has (legal and practical) implications for speed and right of way:
>> traffic coming from an exit construction has to give way to all sides, to
>> all traffic including pedestrians, and maxspeed = 15 Kmph.
>> Some mappers want to tag this so it could be rendered and routed taking
>> speed limit and right of way into account.
>> The easiest solution is to tag the end of the joining road (where traffic
>> crosses the sidewalk) with an exiting or new highway tag, defining it as a
>> section which can be crossed (and routed) but has to give way to all, and
>> limits speed.
>> Any thoughts on this?
>> --
>> Vr gr Peter Elderson
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