Am 19.06.2018 um 13:41 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

water_rescue_station vs. lifeguard_base

there are 216 emergency=water_rescue_station which to me seems a pretty self explanatory tag to indicate a somehow permanent presence of lifeguards with some infrastructure. The wiki says it is in proximity to the water surface it is guarding. The other tag is emergency=lifeguard_base with 240 uses and defined as the "main building" where the administrative work gets done and equipment and vehicles are "stored". I do not think we should merge those former 2 tags, they are both documented and clearly describe something very different. I agree the decision to use emergency=lifeguard_base for the office and storage building could be questioned, regarding the word "lifeguard base" (which to me suggests a place where lifeguards operate / supervise, not where they do the paperwork, as it is intended according to the wiki) and maybe also regarding the choice of "emergency" as a key, although this could be argumented because they are part of "emergency" services somehow.

Maybe I do see a clear separation in the wiki pages. It is a very unpractical one, though. In most cases I know a Water Rescue Station and a Lifeguard Base would share the same facility with the same people manning them. And checking some sample usages I strongly suspect that most tagged Lifeguard Bases should rather be Water Rescue Stations or sometime even Lifeguard Towers or Platforms. When looking for the emergency relevant facility you would rather look for the rescue station than for the admin building, wouldn't you?

There are also 443 emergency=lifeguard_tower
to me this looks like a clear tag, and I see no benefit in changing this to 2 tags like emergency=lifeguard  and lifeguard=tower.

    Maybe it's better to just introduce a new emergency=lifeguard in
    addition to the existing emergency=lifguard_base, that way Bryan
    can offer that in iD and existing tags, data consumers and wiki
    doesn't need to be changed. It's a non-breaking change then
    instead of a breaking change.

as the lifeguard base is defined for storage and administration, it doesn't seem to fit with the expectations one would have from a potential new emergency=lifeguard.
I don't see why the expectation should be different since Lifeguard Base already is under the emergency category. I would concur putting it under office might make more sense.

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