highway=platform is a tag that goes on a way, just like railway=platform.

public_transport=platform can go on both ways and nodes. If on a node next
to the highway/railway, public_transport=platform/bus=yes is the equivalent
of highway=bus_stop and public_transport=platform/tram=yes is the
equivalent of railway=tram_stop

There are also public_transport=stop_position combined with higway=bus_stop
as nodes of highways. I think we should convert those to
positioned next to the highways.

Thanks for looking into this. I had already stopped caring about it and
resorted to simply double tagging everything. Ilya Zverev even proposed to
simply drop the "new" public_transport scheme and revert back to
highway=bus_stop/railway=tram_stop in large part because it's not getting
rendered. At some point I thought this whole scheme was a good idea, but it
resulted in wiki pages saying that every stop supposedly needs to be mapped
twice (once on the highway and once next to it) and added to all route
relations twice, which to me seems absurd, but OK, I've given up on caring
about that as well.


Op di 19 jun. 2018 om 17:14 schreef marc marc <marc_marc_...@hotmail.com>:

> Le 19. 06. 18 à 16:30, Daniel Koć a écrit :
> > I realized that highway=platform is not only marked on wiki as much less
> > popular, but is also really 10 times less popular in the database.
> and for 93 906 highway=platform, 84 031 already have
> public_transport=platform
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/highway=platform#combinations
> this is a subject where it is very difficult to progress,
> so I advise to do this in 2 steps:
> check and add missing public_transport=plateform on highway=platform
> and for osm-carto add a rendering of public_transport=plateform
> from what I see, the only use of this tag is to have the missing
> rendering on PTv2
> During this period it will be possible for everybody to express whether
> they see a difference between highway=plateform and
> public_transport=plateform.
> Previous experiences have shown that it is better not to talk right away
> about depreciating a tag until you have a "complete&better" alternative
> Regards,
> Marc
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