Don't really have a strong opinion on it either way, just to raise a point for 
discussion... but if it's for emergencies, should it have some tag in the 
emergency=* namespace?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jyri-Petteri Paloposki <>
> Sent: Tuesday, 26 June 2018 00:56
> To: 'Tag discussion, strategy and related tools'
> <>
> Subject: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - highway strip
> Hi,
> proposing a new value aeroway=highway_strip for landing strips that
> are normally used as a part of a highway, but can be closed either
> because of a military exercise or emergency landing for aeroplane
> landing. The tag should only be used when the strip has been
> dedicated as an emergency landing strip, other possibly suitable
> emergency landing strips should not be tagged.
> Currently there are a few highway strips that have been tagged with
> aeroway=highway_strip (in addition to the proper highway=* tag).
> Others have been tagged as aeroway=runway, which causes the strip to
> be rendered the same way as an aerodrome runway, which isn't sensible.
> There should be a way to separate strips that have been dedicated as
> emergency landing strips but are otherwise in use as a highway and
> normal runways / dedicated emergency landing strips.
> The proposal can be found at
> .
> Best regards,
> --
> Jyri-Petteri Paloposki
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