> On Jul 26, 2018, at 5:45 PM, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only outcome of that thread - and several threads on the same
> subject that preceded it - was that there was no consensus.

I’ve been following the talk and tagging lists for a couple of years now and 
don’t think I’ve seen consensus on anything.

My take is to toss an idea/problem into the list and see if there is anything 
that comes back in the first few days that alters your opinion on how to tag. 
Sometimes there are good suggestions that can improve your thinking on how 
something should be tagged so it is worth submitting. Just be prepared to read 
and delete a myriad of email that is basically bike shedding by people who seem 
to have never been out of their cultural home area.

Then just go for it and tag things. Better if you document your tagging, at 
least as a proposal.

> On Jul 26, 2018, at 6:15 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just use the tag. 245 in the data base now.
> As for fees they can be tagged with fee= tag
> As for the permit conditions .. well you could just tag permit=*
> I'd just do it. Overpass turbo shows a wide distribution around the world.
> It makes much more sense that some tags already on the wiki.
> I may well add it to the wiki, documents tags in the data base. While small 
> in number it does show what they are about and may help others to use them 
> appropriately rather than inappropriately or just ignore them through 
> ignorance.

I haven’t bother to check, but if there is a world wide distribution of people 
who have decided that access=permit makes sense then I agree that it a good 
thing to document it on the wiki.

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