We have already a tag for footway/foot-cycle-ways/cycleways that indicates
that the way is a sidewalk/sidepath:

   - footway=sidewalk for footpaths ( 881747  in taginfo)
   - path=sidewalk (1090 in taginfo) or path=sidepath (790 in taginfo) for
   - cycleway=sidepath (2450 in taginfo)

What could be added to make it work is something like
sidewalk_of/sidepath_of=<name of street>

On 5 August 2018 at 18:42, yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oks I will show you:
> http://bit.ly/2M2Ff6J > Cycle way with name , you can see the name of the
> street when you are riding by it.
> http://bit.ly/2M8VRK6 > sidewalk without name, you can see the order
> without any indication of name (openroute use then the nearest, I think)
> The question is with a standard tagging scheme there is a way with these
> tags:
> highway=residential
> name= x name
> oneway=no
> sidewalk=both
> lanes:forward=2
> lanes:backward=2
> cycleway=track
> surface=asphalt
> maxspeed=50
> lit=yes
> In this scheme you will find all the things: the road, the sidewalks, the
> cycleway, the lit...
> But If I want to be more specific (accesibility? cycleway propierties?)
> then I have to divide it in other items and "group it" but Can I repeat
> some tags? (yes I can, but with name ?  Why I have to group it in this way
> and not other?
> for the road:
> highway=residential
> lanes:forward=2
> lanes:backward=2
> width=8
> name= x name
> oneway=no
> surface=asphalt
> maxspeed=50
> lit=yes
> for the sidewalk:
> highway=footway
> footway=sidewalk
> (name= x name) << yes or not?
> surface=cobblestone
> lit=yes
> width=3
> for the cycleway:
> highway=cycleway
> (name= x name) << yes or not?
> lanes:forward=1
> lanes:backward=1
> oneway=no
> sidewalk=both
> cycleway=track
> surface=asphalt
> maxspeed=10
> lit=yes
> width=2.5
> Why the road is the only item I don't have any doubt to tag it with name=
> ? Why the road is more important than the sidewalk or the cycleway? What is
> more important : person, car or bike?
> Thanks
> Salut i voreres
> yopaseopor
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