2018-09-03 15:18 GMT+02:00 Thilo Haug OSM <th...@gmx.de>:

> The principle should be described in general (not only for rental and
> not only for one shop),
> as there's currently a mess with different formats (compare car /
> bicycle / motorcycle shops).

speaking about "mess"; it is the result of people creating new webpages for
unexisting features without discussion or notice, so that the result is
often similar to what you created on the skateboarding page: board:type for
skateboards where all existing values are actually typos for board_type of
information boards.

Discussing with other mappers prior to writing new stuff into the wiki,
using the established procedures (proposal process), searching the wiki and
taginfo before inventing tags, all this can help to avoid the mess.

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